Thursday, December 7, 2017

Artist Statement

I wanted to create images that gave a terroristic feel. To give a sense that you are never safe from evil things and people I created a set that is normally a place that brings people joy. I created a miniature theater, normally theaters are places that bring joy by watching entertainment, but this theater is distorted and has many destructive elements. It appears to be a theater that is crumbling all the while lifting its patrons up on a pedestal. Which is why I put only two seats lifted in the air as a center of focus. My first piece features a little girl hiding in fear with a target on her body, she appears to be hiding from the eyes seen breaking through the screen. The spiderwebs create a feeling of ensnarement. The target represents being seen not as a human being but as a target for attack. The second image has a lot of similar aspects. The third image shows the stage being built by two disembodied hands by this piece in the series it is clear that the stage has been crafted and that possibly the children from the first images have been set up and trapped in an unreal miniature world. The fourth image takes another step back in perspective and shows that this is indeed just a set inside of some other kind of world you see the same child curled up in fear but this time it appears a hand is plucking her from the set. The large hands and the visually obvious fake set represent a lack of control over things in your own life, and being used as a toy for some other being’s dark desires. The eyes watching throughout the series give a sense of being watched and gives a voyeuristic feeling. The fifth and final image shows the theater empty, with simply a “Breaking News on the screen” With the control being in another of the disembodied hands. Showing once again we are not in control, and one of the things to fear the most is what is happening in the real world today.

Artist Statement

I wanted to create images that gave a terroristic feel. To give a sense that you are never safe from evil things and people I created a set...